You will receive an email once your order has been shipped, this will also contain your tracking number. Custom or import duties may be charged when an order sent to a country outside the USA reaches its destination country. The recipient of the package would be responsible for any charges.
The customer is responsible for all return shipment costs, custom charges, handling fees and postal charges if they refuse to accept a package.
Pricing and Sales Tax
Sales tax is charged to orders shipped within the United states. We accept Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay. Only single form of payment is allowed to be used on an order.
Return Policy
All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges.
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All rights reserved.
Terms of use
By visiting our website, you agree to the Terms and condition.
We process all personal data collected from you in connection with your purchase of products through the website using the terms and conditions of the our privacy policy. Credit Card information is not stored. Your information is secured and encrypted.